Creating with Mati

May 25, 2022

I have so much to share that it’s a bit overwhelming. These Ukraine refugees were my very first adults to come to sit with me to imagine and create. Adults generally have a harder time letting their imaginations run wild, but not these ladies. I sat with these two and we painted as they spoke to me in Ukrainian and I spoke to them in English, each of us completely understanding each other because art, like love, knows no boundaries. In the photo that accompanies this post, you will notice a paper with writing.

Mati wrote I am drawing, and then asked me if that was good English, to which I assured her it was perfection. She next wrote I am joying, and quickly corrected herself and said, “I am drawing, and I am joyous.” Mati proceeded to touch her heart and repeat, “I am drawing, and I am joyous, thank you.”

My heart is full.

Suzanne Horwich, AGB Founder


My Heart is Full Today

